The decision to step away from live shows

This is me along with Kassian and Loukah.  These boys were a big surprise,and number 4&5 for our family.

This is me along with Kassian and Loukah. These boys were a big surprise,and number 4&5 for our family.

It was January 2019 when I told the band that I needed to not do live shows anymore because I needed to be home more. Of course they understood. They saw the never ending hustle of a front man who worked a corporate gig while raising a family, and building an actual honey company. They got it. But the Honeytones and I had magic. After all, the show we played just before I broke the news to them was the Kennedy Center. It’s hard to beat that. But I’m glad it went that way. Instead of playing live shows, we channeled our energy towards songwriting and being in the studio. Ironically, about a year later the COVID-19 pandemic happened. By that time, we were very centered on bringing y’all the best soul music we could discover. And that’s what we are doing right now.